
Embed checklists 💻

Getting Started

Embedding a checklist using "Interact List" is a breeze. Once you have styled and saved your checklist, click the "Share/Embed" button. This will reveal a popover that provides you with two options.

Click the "Copy Snippet" button to copy the snippet to your clipboard. The snippet is now ready for you to paste into your website.

The code snippet consists of two items:

• A script for auto resizing the checklist

• An iframe that loads your checklist into your own website

** Both pieces of the code snippet are required for the embedded checklist to load correctly.

Responsive checklist size 📏

By default, the checklist snippet includes a small script that automatically calculates and sets the checklist to the full required height. This will save you a considerable amount of time by preventing you from having to adjust container sizes in html.

⭐ Customizing the embedded checklist ⭐

I'm excited to announce that the latest version of Interact List is live 🎉

This release includes a feature that lets you change the way your checklists look and feel 🙌. You can easily customize your checklists to match your branding or personal style. This added level of customization makes your checklists more visually appealing. Don't settle for a boring and mundane checklist when you can create a visually stunning and customized one? Read more

Contact support if you require further assistance.