- 20 Human Influences on Ecosystems
- 1 Food Supply
- ▪ Agricultural machinery to use larger areas of land and improve efficiency.
- ▪ Chemical fertilisers to improve yields.
- ▪ Insecticides to improve quality and yield.
- ▪ Herbicides to reduce competition with weeds.
- ▪ Selective breeding to improve production by crop plants and livestock.
- 2 Habitat Destruction
- ▪ Increased area for housing, crop plant production, and livestock production.
- ▪ Extraction of natural resources.
- ▪ Freshwater and marine pollution.
- 3 Pollution
- ▪ Increased availability of nitrate and other ions.
- ▪ Increased growth of producers.
- ▪ Increased decomposition after death of producers.
- ▪ Increased aerobic respiration by decomposers.
- ▪ Reduction in dissolved oxygen.
- ▪ Death of organisms requiring dissolved oxygen in water.
- 4 Conservation
- ▪ Monitoring and protecting species and habitats.
- ▪ Education.
- ▪ Captive breeding programmes.
- ▪ Seed banks.
- ▪ Maintaining or increasing biodiversity.
- ▪ Reducing extinction.
- ▪ Protecting vulnerable ecosystems.
- ▪ Maintaining ecosystem functions, limited to nutrient cycling and resource provision, including food, drugs, fuel, and genes.