Title1. ls the title clear and unambiguous and no more than about ten words?2. Does it accurately reflect the content?3. ls it concise?Abstract or summary4. ls the abstract a succinct overview? Does it follow the prescribed formula?5. Does it state the purpose of the project and the methods to be used?6. Will it sell the project to the reader?7. ls it less than one page long?Background, context or rationale8. Have you demonstrated your awareness of relevant literature, policy, theory or practice?9. Have you explained how your project will contribute to literature, policy, theory or practice?10. Will the reader be convinced that your project is relevant, important and timely?Aim and objectives11. Do your stated aim and objectives support your research question?12. Does the aim comprise a high level statement about what you wish to explore?13. Are the objectives specific and narrowly focused?14. If possible, are your objectives SMART?15. Is the thesis statement or argument very clear so that reviewers won’t need to guess at what you're trying to say.16. Is the thesis statement or argument close to the evidence in the paper?If you are testing an hypothesis …17. Have you stated both the research and the null hypotheses?18. Are you confident that you will be able to conduct the necessary statistical analysis to test the hypothesis?Literature review19. Have you examined an appropriate selection of relevant literature e.g. scholarly, policy, in-house?20. Have you demonstrated that you are aware of key themes, theories, methods and issues relevant to your project?Methodology21. Have you explained your methodology and justified your choices?22. Have you described your methods of data collection? Are they clear enough for someone else to replicate your research?23. Have you planned your data collection tools and a way of pre-testing or validating them?24. Have you described your methods of analysis?Conclusions25. Have you stated your conclusions clearly and succinctly?26. Are your conclusions supported by the evidence?27. Have you compared your results to existing research?28. Have you mentioned possibilities for further research?Presentation29. Have you chosen the right journal, in both subject matter and methodology?30. Have you edited the article so that it flows well? Have you proofread it thoroughly?31. Have you complied with the journal's style guide and length requirements?